Selection, the Principle of Evolution

Selection is the third of the five principles of natural selection, abbreviated as VISTA. Selection acts to bring things together, as recently observed in the water flea (pictured left).

Selection is the core function of natural selection.

Niles Eldredge (pictured right below), a paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History, formulated the acronym to explain Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. While selection is Darwin’s most core principle, it is also the most controversial of the five.

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Species Naming, Grouping, and Defining

Red lionfish - Pterois volitansEvolution centers on offering a natural explanation to account for Earth’s vast and diverse biosphere.

A core measure of evolution is the concept of species, the prime number of evolution. The importance of the concept is highlighted in the title of Charles Darwin’s bestseller

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

One of modern biology’s principal functions includes the naming, grouping, and defining of species. However, exploring the history of the term opens a fascinating window into the checkered history of Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

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Mendel Rescued Darwin’s Theory

Pisum sativumMendel rescued Darwin’s theory of natural selection early in the twentieth century – to a point.

By the end of the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin’s influence had continued to deteriorate, stemming from his obsolete theory of inheritance.

In the search for a scientifically valid theory, scientists, early in the twentieth century, rediscovered Gregor Mendel’s genetic inheritance theory, which had been published thirty years earlier.

Mendel’s theory delivered what Darwin missed – a scientifically valid theory of inheritance capable of driving evolution.

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Inheritance, Second Principle of Evolution

Darwin Tree of Life Names A

Inheritance is the second of the five principles of natural selection, abbreviated as VISTA. Niles Eldredge, a paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History, formulated the acronym to understand Darwin’s theory of evolution.

For the museum’s Darwin exhibit, Eldridge uses the acronym to explain how the principles of variationinheritanceselection, time, and adaptation drive natural selection. Inheritance is the second principle of Charles Darwin’s concept of natural selection.

In 1837, nearly twenty years before publishing The Origin of Species, Darwin drew his first sketch linking species by inheritance (pictured left).

Knowing Darwin’s mechanisms of inheritance is essential for understanding his theory since inheritance plays a “chief part” in natural selection. As Darwin explains in The Origin of Species

“The most important consideration is that the chief part of the organisation of every being is simply due to inheritance.”

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Variation, First Principle of Evolution

Variation Birds

Variation is the first of the five principles of natural selection, abbreviated as VISTA. Niles Eldredge, a paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History, formulated the acronym to understand Darwin’s theory of evolution.

For the museum’s Darwin exhibit, Eldridge uses the acronym to explain how the principles of variation, inheritance, selection, time, and adaptation drive natural selection. Variation is the first principle of Charles Darwin’s concept of natural selection.

Variations play a pivotal role in driving Darwin’s theory of evolution; heritable variations are a prerequisite for evolutionary change. In the sixth edition of The Origin of Species, while “natural selection” appears 408 times, the term “variations” appears 303 times.

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Logic and Science

Logic and ScienceLogic and science play crucial roles in understanding how nature works. Importantly, however, there are distinct types of logic and methods in science. Selecting the appropriate type of logic and science is crucial for developing scientifically valid explanations.

Charles Darwin applied various logic and scientific methods in his life-long quest to explain how Earth’s biosphere works. The story of his quest is fascinating, giving insight into how the interplay of logic and science still influences modern evolution research.

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Phylogenetics of Coronaviruses

CoronavirusThree years into the pandemic, the origin of COVID-19 is still controversial. Two leading theories are under investigation: natural selection process or genetically engineered – each with vastly different implications. The phylogenetics of coronaviruses is the key to the COVID-19 origin dilemma and gaining insights into the theory of evolution.

Coronaviruses are RNA, not DNA viruses. RNA viruses are associated with causing the common cold, influenza,  mumps, and measles; coronaviruses in humans can cause respiratory tract infections ranging from no symptoms, mild symptoms to a cytokine storm resulting in organ failure and death in humans.

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Platypus Paradox (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) diving, Tasmania, Australia

The platypus puzzles naturalists and scientists alike. While its bizarre characteristics seem to defy a natural explanation, the platypus may be a classic transitional link. Like a reptile, it lays eggs, yet, it nurses with milk without nipples. As one of the least understood living mammals, and unlike any other known species, it has ten sex chromosomes. The platypus produces venom, like a reptile, and uses electroreception, like a shark – a puzzle known as the platypus paradox dilemma.

That’s not all; the list of oddities goes on. To gain an understanding of this evolution icon, scientists have long-awaited insights from its genome. This January’s journal Nature reports on the most comprehensive investigation of the platypus genome ever performed.

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Consensus on Evolution

Evolution 2.0Public schools require the teaching of evolution as a scientific theory. Amazingly, no science organization in the twenty-first century has successfully developed a scientific consensus on evolution.

Science organizations have a privileged responsibility for developing and publishing a consensus on important issues. While a scientific consensus is not synonymous with absolute truth, it guides the public on what is considered scientifically valid.

Science Organizations

Eighteen science organizations, from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to the American Medical Association (AMA), currently have a consensus statement on climate change. While the consensus on climate change from leading science organizations is silent on a scientific consensus on evolution, the message is clear.

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Fate of Darwin’s Finches

GalapagosThe fate of Charles Darwin’s finches is a fascinating saga. Far from England on the equator in the Pacific Ocean lying more than 800 miles off the west coast of Ecuador, the finches Darwin captured on the Galapagos Islands (pictured left), except for one tag, are now missing. As one of the most controversial birds in modern history, the fate of Darwin’s finches belies their current iconic status.

Reaching the Galápagos Islands on September 15, 1835, more than four years after leaving England, the HMS Beagle started preparations to set sail from the island just five weeks later. Darwin had collected many different types of specimens during that time, some weighing up to 500 pounds each. Although typically an avid collector and note-taker, Darwin surprisingly did not record the number of finches collected nor the number loaded onto the ship.

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