Conflicting Conclusions on Speciation

Songbird II Two new research studies arrive at conflicting conclusions on speciation, one on Himalayan songbirds and one on Brazilian ants. The songbird research study was published in the prestigious British journal Nature while the ant research study was published in the American journal Current Biology.

The songbird study was led by Trevor D. Price of the University of Chicago, and the Brazilian ant study was led by Christian Rabeling of the University of Rochester, both highly respected international teams. While the findings in the Himalayan songbird study support Charles Darwin’s speciation theory of geographical isolation, the Brazilian ant’s findings undermine his theory. Speciation, an evolution term intended to explain how new species might have developed from existing species, is in trouble once again.

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Fired Over Dinosaur Discovery

Triceratops horridus dinosaurMark Armitage, supervisor of a laboratory, and widely published scientist of more than 30 years, was fired over dinosaur discovery by California State University of Northridge (CSUN) after publishing evidence of soft tissue extracted from a dinosaur fossil in a peer-reviewed journal.

Why did CSUN fire the scientist? Because the evidence undermines the long-standing dogma of the evolution industry. The dinosaur soft tissue, according to the prevailing dogma, should have died at least 60 million years ago. “This find cannot agree with an old earth,” an astute Examiner reporter explains:

“Even an old-earth creationist couldn’t explain it. But a young-earth creationist can.”

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