Henri Fabre

Fabre, Jean Henri

Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre, a French entomologist best known for his lively styled popular books on the lives of insects.

Biographical Overview

Born in France, 1823-1915 Physicist, chemist and botanist Founder of Modern Entomology


Using a biblical worldview perspective, Fabre successfully applied the scientific method to investigate the laws of nature,  His worldview is notable from what he said –

“Without Him, I understand nothing; without Him all is darkness… Every period had manias. I regard atheism as a mania. It is a malady of the age. You could take my skin from me more easily than my faith in God.”

“We cannot refrain from proclaiming the necessity of a sovereign Mind, the creator and instigator of order and harmony…to the glory of God the Creator.”

Henri Fabre