Molecular Biology

RNA MoleculeMolecular biology is the branch of biology focusing on the molecular basis of biological activity.

The terms “molecule” and “biology” were new in the mid-nineteenth century. Although “molecule” appeared once and “biology” never appeared, neither term was defined in the Origin of Species Glossary. Nor did Charles Darwin refer to proteins or genes – “mutation” was used in a non-molecular sense.

Molecular Biology

The term  was coined nearly eighty years later by the director of Natural Sciences, Warren Weaver, of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1938. At the time, acceptance of Gregor Mendel’s chromosome theory of heredity, a gene-centric perspective of biology was emerging.

Molecular biology emerged to address questions regarding the mechanisms of genetic inheritance and the structure of a gene.

When James Watson and Francis Crick described the double-helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using X-ray crystallography technology in 1953 – the race was on.


Throughout the late twentieth century, scientists continued learning about DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) structures and functions, focusing on the molecular basis of mutation and inheritance.

By early in the twenty-first century, modern molecular biology entered a golden age. Mapping gene locations on chromosomes, associating genes with functions and exploring genetic engineering were new tools to study evolution.


Early in the twenty-first century, a new field in paleontology emerged, known as paleobiology. This field is successfully integrating molecular biology technologies into fossil record analysis.

Preserved soft tissues, cell structures, and even biomolecular complexes can now be studied, revealing a goldmine of data. Therefore, paleobiology is the scientific discipline that directly studies evidence of life’s history on Earth.

Paleobiology uses the fossil record to develop phylogenetic trees based on transitional molecular links as well as test paleontological-generated trees of life.

Molecular Biology is a subcategory of Evolution and Science that scientifically explores the validity of the theory of evolution.

Testing Molecular Biology Evidence

To understand how evidence from the fossil record challenges the theory of evolution, click to read the following –

Refer to the Glossary for the definition of terms.

