Natural Selection

Darwin's Finch BeaksNatural selection is the cornerstone of Charles Darwin‘s theory, remaining a guiding influence on the twenty-first-century evolution industry. Even NASA defines life as functioning through Darwin’s theory of evolution –

“Life is a self-sustaining chemical system, capable of Darwinian evolution.”

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Phylogenetics of Coronaviruses

CoronavirusThree years into the pandemic, the origin of COVID-19 is still controversial. Two leading theories are under investigation: natural selection process or genetically engineered – each with vastly different implications. The phylogenetics of coronaviruses is the key to the COVID-19 origin dilemma and gaining insights into the theory of evolution.

Coronaviruses are RNA, not DNA viruses. RNA viruses are associated with causing the common cold, influenza,  mumps, and measles; coronaviruses in humans can cause respiratory tract infections ranging from no symptoms, mild symptoms to a cytokine storm resulting in organ failure and death in humans.

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Understanding Evolution


Evolution is the most popular natural explanation for the origin of Earth’s biosphere, primarily driven by Charles Darwin’s publication, The Origin of Species. Galapagos finch beak sizes and shapes and the development of microbial resistance are natural adaptive changes compatible with Darwin’s theory.

Darwin called this process of adaptive changes within a species – natural selection. Through the slow accumulation of “slight successive” adaptations over time, Darwin also called the process of generating new species – natural selection. The complete 1859 title of his book is “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” 

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Glossary Graphic

Clearly defined terms are vital to communicating concepts in science. Alphabetically listed, these terms play four crucial roles in science –

Clarity and Precision: Definitions provide clarity by precisely delineating the meaning of terms. Acting as a compass, a well-crafted definition helps to navigate the intellectual landscape. Continue Reading

Book Preface

Darwin Then and Now, the Most Amazing Story in the History of Science 

“Of the revolutionary thinkers who shaped the past century’s history, Charles Darwin stands as one of the most provocative and influential. In a top story on January 4, 1999, USA Today recognized Darwin as one of the twentieth century’s top ten most influential persons.

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