Oxygen-Free Atmosphere

Oxygen Scientists have long known that extremely low levels of free-oxygen [< 10-5] atmosphere on early Earth are critical for any viable origin of life model of evolution.

The controversy surrounding the atmospheric concentration of oxygen in the origin of life stems from the laws of organic chemistry. The autonomous assembly of complex organic molecules has only been observed in an oxygen-free atmosphere. 

However, the evidence for an oxygen-free Earth atmosphere has a checkered history.

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Self-Assembly Origin of Life

DNA polymerase I.

A research team led by Michael Blaber of Florida State University College of Medicine recently reported a solution to a problem with the “protein-first,” also known as the protein self-assembly origin of life theory. The issue involves protein folding. Biologically active proteins are only functional when folded into specific molecular structures.

Blaber presented evidence demonstrating the folding of proteins through a self-assembly origin of life process. The fold-ability of proteins into specific structures is essential to perform cellular functions. While the team’s approach aligns with Charles Darwin’s theory, protein self-assembly origin of life is competing with the more popular “RNA-first” origin of life theory.

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International Origin of Life Conference

Origin of life“The origin of life on Earth is a scientific problem,” according to WIKIPEDIA, “which is not yet solved. There are many ideas but few clear facts.” To address this issue, in 2013, Princeton University hosted an international origin of life conference.

In the nineteenth century, the “spontaneous generation” theory had long been the natural explanation for the origin of life, starting in Greek philosophy. Even Charles Darwin, centuries later, in The Origin of Species (1859), endorsed the theory.

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Origin of Life Sea Saga

Thermal VentsOrigin of life researchers collected “new insights” from a new paper entitled “The origin of membrane biogenetics,” published in the December issue of the journal Cell. The media elevated the hype into an origin-of-life sea saga spectacle.

The journal Nature covered the paper in an article entitled “How life emerged from deep-sea rocks” by Ed Yong. The subtitle. “The origin of ion-pumping proteins could explain how life began in and escaped from undersea thermal vents,” seemed to seal the deal.


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Origin of Life Initiatives

Origin of LifeLife originated in “a warm little pond,” Charles Darwin wrote to Joseph J. Hooker, the founder of geographical botany within Darwin’s circle of colleagues. How, where, and when the first species get started, however, completely escaped Darwin. In contemplating the origin of life dilemma, Darwin noted in his autobiography

“The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us, and I, for one, must be content to remain an agnostic.”


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